
After the Honeymoon

Roberta: "Truth or dare?"
Chrissy: "Truth."
Roberta: "Are you happy?"
Chrissy: "Yes!  I'm so happy I could just burst and spread happiness out everywhere!"

As I sat down to write this post, that quote from my once-favorite movie (Now and Then) kept running through my head.  That's all I feel today, back from the honeymoon and eating breakfast with my new husband: pure bliss.

The wedding was perfect.  Absolutely everything went right (well, maybe a few very minor snafus, but not one thing bothered me on the wedding day).  The whole day was exactly what I'd hoped for, and more.  It was beyond amazing to spend a day with our family and friends, and with each other.  The amount of love that surrounded us that day absolutely floors me.

I love being married.  Love love love it.  I know it's only been two weeks, but honestly it just doesn't seem fair that I'm this happy.  We got back from our honeymoon at midnight on Friday and went straight to bed, exhausted.  Yesterday was spent doing copious amounts of laundry, unpacking, and otherwise getting our lives back in order after the wedding and honeymoon chaos.  But the funniest thing was that I didn't mind these chores as much as I used to.  An overwhelming peace and happiness pervaded everything I did.  I went grocery shopping since our fridge was totally empty, and the whole time I had an inner dialogue running through my head: "Oh, I should get bananas, my husband loves them.  I'll pick up a case of Sierra Nevada since it's my husband's favorite.  I think my husband is nearly out of aftershave, I'll have to get him some more."  Every time one of these thoughts crossed my mind an enormous smile crept onto my face; I got some strange looks from other shoppers as I smiled beatifically at the produce.  I slip the words "my husband" into conversation whenever I can (so far it's been 4 times).  I know how cheesy and mushy that all sounds, but I'm honestly just too happy to contain it all.  I can't believe my luck that I found a man that makes me this crazy-stupid  happy, and I feel like everyone I talk to can see it as well.

As soon as I get the professional pictures back I'll post all about the wedding.  Until then I have honeymoon pictures and lots of stories to share.  But for now I'll leave you with one sneak peek photo, taken by my aunt:


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